Friday, 6 June 2014

Expectation vs Reality 2.2


1. Shifting global trends
2. Student demand better studying environment
3. Employee working in "green certified" building is not as happy as they though it would be

Before we continue, lets crack down the problem a bit..

1. Shifting global trends
What: Office space is no longer as high-demand as it used to be. The space is more likely shrink due to "working everywhere" trend.
Why: Internet. People can work remotely, they don't have to be in the office, as long as they are in the grid.
How: 1. Company down scaling the area they rent for the employee working space for efficiency (cost and time)
          2. Employee looking for better working environment, salary not first priority, learning and creativity emphasised.

2. Student demand better studying environment
What: Student (Architecture) think that current studying environment is not good for mental health
Why: Bad facilities, no creativity enhancer in the environment
How: No mention

3. Employee working in "green certified" building is not as happy as they though it would be
What: Low satisfaction of the working environment in office building with "green" certified
Why: "old dog new tricks" no good. Old building new upgrade with no match at all.
How: No mention

Soo.. There are 2 main perspective on why the employee feels not satisfied. First is from the building POV. It is an Old building designed in very specific functionality let say 25 years ago. Green certified is a new "game rule". That old building?didn't designed to fulfilled the new "game rule". So?working environment satisfactory?low!! 
Second is from employee perspective. They were a student, probably did not satisfied with their studying environment, expecting getting better when they got into the office. Truth is?nope. Even worse then they expected (building perspective).

And.. with the new trend, where the company is no longer put the office area as the main priority of the corporate strategy?.....the story is completed.

Solution??Let see..

From the 3 things above, which part we could work it out a little bit??

Yes.. the employee factors.. It's a all about behaviour.. ADAPTATION!!-again-

we can work almost from anywhere right?as long as we're in the grid. Even though not inside the grid, the working task could be save and uploaded later. Easy!!

Sounds simple?not really.. behaviour changing process could be a pain in the a** (sorry about that).. yes, it was based on my own experience.

Ok.. Enough.. bottom line is adaptation once again. I will continue next time. Leave it here for now. As always, please, comment, critics, idea, or whatever it is.. and if you are Indonesian?feel free to write it in Indo language.. Bahasa Indonesia mungkin lebih gampang, No problem..

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